Do you have a checklist of what to pack each time you’re about to venture into the wilderness? When preparing for an outdoor adventure, in the rush of adrenaline you might forget an essential item that is crucial for safety if you don’t have a reminder of the things that matter the most. Hiking and camping come with their own set of risks and challenges one should always be well prepared for. Proper light, storage, shelter, navigation tools, clothing, food, water, and emergency kit are just a few of the outdoor gear essentials.
Essential Gear and Accessories for Your Outdoor Adventures
Having a reliable lighting source is often overlooked, and it’s one of the most important things you can get for your safety. There is a wealth of available options of torches Australia wide that can ensure optimal visibility and safety during the night or in low-light conditions. Get your checklist straight and pack well for another unforgettable adventure.
Whether you’re camping or hiking, having a reliable torch is crucial for safety and convenience on your path, as well as for navigating through the night around your camping area. These invaluable lighting tools come in various types, featuring specific settings suitable for specific applications. Here is a short overview of available options for torches in Australia and the specific use of each type.
LED Torches
LED-powered lighting tools use light-emitting diodes which are highly energy efficient as they can last for a very long time and provide solid bright output. They are highly durable and shock-resistant, which makes them ideal for hiking through uneven terrains. Otherwise, they are great for general use, camping, household use and even as emergency kits.
Throw Torches
Throw flashlights are extremely valuable lighting tools for when you find yourself in an emergency where a prompt reaction can mean a life-saving situation. They are designed to cast a narrow and long beam of light to illuminate distant objects and are often used in search and rescue activities. Due to their low-range illumination and high-intensity beam, they are ideal for outdoor activities and any type of security work.
Coloured Output Torches
If you’re packing for a hunting night over in the wilderness, you’ll definitely want to look into coloured output flashlights (check pdf). These devices are designed to emit light in various colours like red, green, blue, etc. Red light is particularly designed to enhance night vision, which is very helpful for night hunting, observing wildlife, signalling and tactical operations, and night photography.
Tactical Flashlights
A tactical flashlight is a high-performance lighting device designed for tactical use. Its robust and durable construction, high lumen output, and features like strobe mode and weapon mounting make it suitable for self-defence use, night military operations and any other outdoor activities where a potential danger or predator might be lurking in the dark.
Infrared Torches
An infrared flashlight emits infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye but can be detected by night vision equipment. Its invisible illumination makes it ideal for hunting during the night, wildlife observation, surveillance and an overall enhanced night vision capability.
A backpack is a must for every camper, hiker, hunter and outdoor enthusiast. It is the ultimate piece of gear where you carry all of your essentials for your outdoor adventure. Look for durable, comfortable and weather-resistant backpacks that come with multiple compartments, padded straps and back support. A pro tip is to search for backpacks with hydration compatibility and adjustable fit for added convenience.
Having a shelter where you can crash in and be safe during a night in the wilderness is a must. The shelter should be lightweight, easy to set up, weather resistant and in the appropriate size for the number of people who would use it. Also, consider the climate and terrain when choosing a shelter so it would be sturdy enough.
Navigation Tools
No matter how well you know the terrain, unpredictable changes in the weather can occur at any time. During challenging weather conditions, it’s easy to drift away from the path and get lost. To ensure you stay safe and on point with your location, always carry with you a map, compass, GPS device or altimeter for accurate and easier navigation. That’s why it’s always a good idea to learn how to read and use a map and compass, as a backup to your electronic devices.
Proper clothing is crucial for staying safe and comfortable outdoors. Before you choose the clothing, assess the climate and weather in the region where you plan to be. Layering is also a very important step in wearing your outdoor apparel. Choose base layers, insulating layers and outer layers that are waterproof and windproof. Make sure the clothes have moisture-wicking, breathable, quick drying properties and are suitable for the weather conditions.
The right hiking footwear will help you stay comfortable and supported through your activities. It’s important that the shoes you choose provide you with appropriate traction for the terrain, they are waterproof (depending on the climate and terrain) and feel super comfortable. Whether you’re looking for hiking boots, trail shoes or sandals for water crossings, make sure to always break in new footwear before long trips to avoid blisters.
Food and Water
It’s a must to pile up on non-perishable food such as cans, dry fruits, nuts and seeds or high-energy snacks. Plan for extra food and water in case of emergencies. Always carry water bottles and filters or tables for purifying the water.
Emergency Kit
First-Aid Kit
Never leave your home without a basic first aid kit. This should include bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, tweezers, scissors, adhesive tapes, blister treatments and emergency blankets. Customise the kit based on how long you plan to stay in the wilderness, and your specific needs.
Fire-Starting Kit
You never know when you will need a fire, whether it’s for cooking, building shelter or staying warm during the night. You can either pack waterproof matches, a lighter, a firestarter or a tinder. Also, it’s very useful to start practising fire-starting techniques before you start your trip.
If you want to eliminate the unnecessary weight of carrying separate tools for different purposes, choose one multitool that you can use for nearly everything. These all-purpose tools typically include pliers, screwdrivers, can openers, knives, etc. They are lightweight and compact, which makes them very easy to pack and carry around.