BMX Styling: A Word on Sprockets

sprockets for sale

For decades, BMX has established itself among the favourite sports worldwide, not just because of the freedom it provides when doing jumps, tricks and turns, i.e. the different riding styles, but also for the stylishness of the bikes too.

If you want to customise your bike, you can count on the versatile sprockets for sale, to decorate with innovation and art. Looking for the best of products yet still trying to save a few dollars, it’s advisable to look for specialised shops that offer a wide range of sprockets.

Of course not every sprocket that catches your eye may be suitable for your bike, so it takes having a bit of knowledge to make sure the purchase is a success. First things first, it’s important to know there are three different types of sprockets for sale: socket drive, bolt drive, and spline drive.

Types of Sprockets

Developed by Odyssey, the socket drive sprockets were only created to fit socket drive cranks, and can be used even without bolts if the set-up is correct. On the other hand, bolt drive are the basic, easy to install, sprockets connected with a single bolt and the great news is they work with most crank spindles.

spline drive sprocket

Created by the Tree Bicycle Co. the spline drive sprockets are strictly made for the 48 spline spindles, due to the design with a centre bore steel. You can determine which one you need when you consider the chain wheels’ teeth width and its compatibility with the spindle hole. If in case you prefer some drives that aren’t suitable for your cranks, you can still fit it with the help of adapters.

Profile Imperial Racing Sprocket

One of the basic iconic sprockets widely used for years is the Profile Racing Imperial, made of aircraft crade aluminium, and it’s created to work with 19mm (3/4”) spindles with an adapter. Looking for the old-school style racing sprockets with their minimal aesthetics you wouldn’t be disappointed by Odyssey’s Chainwheel, available in a variety of colours, with a design of five bolt holes.

The best of both worlds in terms of price and quality is offered by the new Tree Bicycle Co. Heat-Treated sprocket, and it’s becoming popular because of the ingenious design with built in splines, and the thin metal structure made of 4140 steel means it’s cost-efficient to manufacture it. Moreover, it’s suitable for spline drives as much as it is for bolt drives, as it’s available in two versions.