Pedal to the Metal: Enhance Your Cycling with the Right Pedals


I don’t think there’s been such rise in health trends before as in these last couple of years which is a reason itself for celebration. People are finally taking their well-being seriously!

It’s easy to make up your mind on an exercising routine now because there are many options, but one of the trends that never goes out of style is cycling.

The reason for this has to do with how ideal it is for maintaining one’s fitness, burning calories while enjoying the outdoors, instead of sweating in an enclosed space without the change of scenery.

Then again, it’s the perfect way to commute and avoid the traffic jams, also having the peace of mind you’re doing your part of keeping the environment safe.

What this means is cycling can easily become part of your lifestyle, no matter what your taste and preferences are as well as your style and purpose of riding because you’re sure to find the right bike for you from the wide range of bikes and brands stores offer.

And yet, most often we focus on the style of bike instead of paying equal attention on the wide range of bicycle foot pedals which also have a say in the riding. Same as choosing a bike, the primary choice of pedals comes down to the type of riding. Is it commuting, road biking or mountain biking you’re interested in?

There’s also the choice of style of bicycle foot pedals, such as platform, clipless, pedals with straps and toe clip you’d have to look in, along with the choice of brands and quality.

What makes it important to decide on the adequate type of pedals is the fact they impact the cycling, so if you want to make the most of the experience, spend some time getting to know the pedals.

Apart from providing comfort and stability, pedals are designed for safer rides. Looking at the specific styles of pedals, the platform are known for their large surface, that is the platform as their name implies, making them ideal for any shoes, and if this wasn’t enough, they’re great if you’re a beginner cyclist too.

On the more expensive range, clipless pedals unlike their name says have to be clipped in to be used safely. What made them popular is how efficient they are when you pedal, allowing you to ride faster while saving up precious strength.

In case you want to secure your feet well, opt for pedals with straps or toe clips. They won’t break your bank and would help you keep your feet on them no matter the terrain.