A couple of days ago, I got into a bad fight with my girlfriend. Luckily, we’re both grown and mature enough to know when one of us is in the wrong and admit it. However, all the frustration and anger that comes along with fighting, especially when it doesn’t happen often, can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, I came to the realization that one of the best ways to release all of it is through sex.
So after all was said and done, I decided that I’d have an ace up my sleeve the night of the fight – poppers. Now I’m not a frequent user of poppers by any means, but I’ve done some experimenting with them while I was in college. What basically happens when I take poppers, rush poppers especially, is nothing short of amazing. Not to brag but I can basically last for hours, and when combined with some frustration and anger, a rough sex marathon ensues.
Now for those of you who aren’t familiar with rush poppers, let me explain. These inhalants are an (in)famous sex drug that was first used among gay men. However, when straight people like myself discovered them, they quickly turned into a commonly used party drug. The original formula of rush poppers isn’t the same today as it was back in the 80ties, which is a bummer, as I’ve heard a lot of crazy stories, but today’s rush poppers shouldn’t be underestimated either. All you have to do is look for a legitimate manufacturer, as there are many fake ones out there.
Anyway, back to the story. Before going out in the club, I decided I’d hit the bong and then inhale some rush poppers to make the night more interesting. After what seemed like an eternity at the club, we decided we’d call it a night and went back to my place. I told her I have to go to the bathroom to freshen up, while in reality, before leaving my house I left my popper in there. I went quickly, took another hit from the bottle, did indeed freshen up, and went to the bedroom. What followed was probably one of the wildest nights we’ve ever spent together. Clothes were torn and thrown around the room and we had hot sex for about hour and a half.
After the session ended, I put all the blame on the fight we had several hours before and never truly admitted that poppers were behind my glorious performance. In fact, I actually think that now she will want us to have more fights like that, thinking that it will all lead to a mind-blowing sex of a kind. Oh well, I wouldn’t mind blowing off some steam and having rough sex combined with poppers is just the way to go.