Owning a motorcycle is not all about being on the road with the wind in your hair or whatever cliché picture most people have in their minds. Sure, riding is the whole purpose of having a motorcycle, but it also requires a lot of care and maintenance. Of course, you don’t have to think about stuff like that. You can just take your bike to the mechanic and have him buy all the parts, fix your bike, and rip you off, or, you can learn how to do, at least, some basic repairs and buy all the motorcycle parts online. Even if you don’t want to get down and dirty, buying the parts online instead of leaving it to your mechanic can be much more cost effective.
However, buying the right kind of motorcycle parts online is certainly no easy task. Getting replacements for parts that wear down over time is one thing and buying parts to upgrade or add a little style to your bike is another. Whether you want more power or a new cool looking exhaust, it is very easy to get carried away and spend a crap load of money. This is why, when shopping for motorcycle parts online it is very important to know exactly what you are looking for and what’s a fair price on that part. To simplify matters, motorcycle parts fall into three basic categories: original equipment manufacturer or OEM parts, aftermarket parts, and used motorcycle parts. Which ones you choose depends on the type of repairs that need to be done and, of course, personal preference.
As the name itself implies, original equipment manufacturer parts are made by the same manufacturer that produced the motorcycle for which the parts are intended. For example, the OEM parts for a Suzuki are made by Suzuki themselves or by a company that manufactures the parts for Suzuki. This way you get the exact same part as the one that needs to be replaced. The great thing about buying original parts is that you are guaranteed that new part will fit your bike perfectly. The parts themselves are more reliable, they last longer, and usually come with a warranty. The down side of OEM parts is that they are the most expensive option and they don’t add any extra features or improve the bike in any way. However, they are the safest choice on the market and they are totally worth the money when it comes to repairs.
Aftermarket parts, on the other hand, are made by a third party using the specifications of the original manufacturer and they are not authorized by the manufacturer of the motorcycle. Normally, aftermarket parts are much more cost effective than OEM parts, and they are just as good, or in some cases, even better than the originals. The thing is, with all the different companies that produce aftermarket parts, its really hard to tell which are the good ones, so before choosing the right one, you need to do a fair amount of research.
And finally there’s the used motorcycle parts market. This is the most cost effective option and it allows you to purchase both OEM and aftermarket parts. While used parts are cheap, it is hard to find ones that are in good condition and they don’t come with any kind of warranty or guarantee which means you are buying them at your own risk. If you are going to buy used parts, it is best to buy accessories or cosmetic parts that are in good shape and avoid parts that affect the safety of the motorcycle.