I’ve always held the opinion that a good handbag is more than just an addition to your wardrobe; it should be chosen with the utmost attention, careful planning for future outfits and you should be able to leave it in inheritance eventually. And it turns out I am completely right; the latest news about the Birkin bag by Hermes being a more valuable investment than the stock market proves my point: deciding to spend a small fortune on a good quality bag is a smart choice. Who said women can’t be good investors?
Still, a Birkin bag is far from reach for most of us, mere mortals. That however, doesn’t mean you do not have to follow a certain concept for buying bags; you should know exactly what you need, for which season you need it and can you find what you’re looking for on sites which offer hand bags for sale.
Many of you may think that having a love relationship with bags means spending all your money on everything and anything your eye catches and sees as appealing. Then you’d wear it just once and that bag officially goes to the handbags-with-passed-life-cycle spot which of course is the bottom shelf of your closet. And that’s it; so expensive, so good-looking at the moment of buying, and after a while – simply forgotten. That’s not a love relationship; it’s called buying without thinking.
In my opinion, a love relationship with a handbag means first planning what you need: whether a large handbag or a small one? Deciding on its colour, making the outfit combinations in your mind and planning the budget. Then, you start searching for it: browsing the hand bags for sale sites and searching through stores, which may take you days. And once you find that perfect hand bag, just like the one you pictured in your mind, you buy it. You wear it with pride, combine it with every piece of clothing you have in your closet, and most importantly, you take care of it: you make sure it doesn’t stain at all, it’s clean from both inside and out, and if it has handles, they’re kept in perfect position.
As for having a hate relationship with my handbags, I really don’t have one. I’ve bought every handbag with a careful strategy developed way upfront. And I haven’t always had money to afford quality handbags, so I had to save months ahead to gather the needed amount for some piece that I fell in love with. And I loved every one of them, wore them for years and now most of them belong to my daughter. Even though times change, some of the bags are still trendy; she wears them with many outfits and there’s no way you could tell that bag is at least 5 years old. Talk about quality.
So, should you make a handbag collection? If you do it the smart way, then you definitely should. It’s nice to have a few good pieces by famous designers and a few good examples you bought on sale. After all, a handbag isn’t just a bag you got for carrying your belongings when you get out of the house; it’s your statement object, your identity card and your style orientation.