The Key to Plentiful Life Grows in One’s Yard


Because we can’t escape our ancient hunger to live close to nature, we encircle the house with lawns and gardens, install picture windows, adopt pets and Boston ferns, and scent everything that touches our lives.” – Diane Ackerman

Sun, water, seeds, and a piece of land. Give me all that and I’ll show you the meaning of life. Oh wait, nature has been doing that since the beginning of time. If you are lucky enough to have a garden, you have probably given organic gardening a thought. Especially since the current chapter of humanity seems to bear the name life on pause because we have forgotten what it really means to live a mindful life. Well, believe it or not, it does all start with what you eat, and even more so, how you go about the concept of food and all you put in your body.

Flowers are lovely, but they won’t fill your tummy. Benches and fountains might be an eyeful, but that also won’t keep your tummy full. It’s high time we understood that we are what we surround ourselves with and what we put in this temporary meat and bones temple. Having the space and the right conditions to grow fruits and veggies is really a blessing that no one should let slip through their fingers. In fact, you should get you fingers busy preparing the soil and everything you need to make your green dream come true.

You might think to yourself that it’s easier said than done, but with the right kind of help, it doesn’t have to be a messy and confusing project. OK, it can get a little messy, but isn’t what makes it fun in the first place? For this project, your best allies will be the do’s and don’t of pros who have already experimented so much that they now speak the language of fresh organic produce and it’s all waiting readily for you in so many books for gardeners that you can easily find online.

Some of the best books for gardeners you need to get your hands on are 1 Minute Gardener and Guide to Backyard Farming. These books are in fact much more than your basic guide to gardening; they are true providers of ongoing inspiration for a lifestyle of an urban gardener. You can even find ideas on how to make gifts from your fresh produce and how to make the most of your outdoor space in many creative and always productive ways.

Finally, if you start your project today, in a few years from now, you’ll have your own small Garden of Eden where no fruit shall be forbidden!