A List of Ideas to Enhance Your Art Works with Molding Paste

molding paste for painting

As an artist, I am sure you are constantly on the lookout for a new creative way to enhance your works of art. So, let me introduce you to the molding paste, also called modelling paste. This is a medium that can give texture and 3D effects to your paintings and bring them to life with dimensions. The versatility of the product allows you to create reliefs and impastos, similar to what the gel can do, but with different effects.

What Exactly Is Molding Paste?

molding paste for painting

This lightweight thickening medium increases the body of the paint due to the hard solids in it that produce a textured effect. The molding paste for painting can be mixed with acrylics when wet, allowing you to create a thick paint that you can apply directly on the canvas or paint over it after it dries. By using a palette knife or brush you can transfer the paste and create shapes and forms.

Depending on the type of paste, the density can vary, so before using it on canvas or board, you might want to test it on a different surface. You should also check the label and description to find out if apart from acrylic paints you can also mix it with oils. The textures range from smooth to rough, and some are lighter than others.

What to Expect?

As with any other new medium, it will take a few trials before you learn how to get the most out of it. Keep in mind that pastes are white while they are still wet and opaque after they dry. Since there’s marble dust in them it gives them a doze of opacity and this is what differentiates them from gels, which tend to be transparent when dry.

Follow the guidelines on the maximum thickness of every layer as this is important for the paste to set properly and not trap moisture inside that will alter the final look which happens with layers that are too thick. If you want to apply another layer make sure the previous one is completely dry. This might take from several hours to several days.

There are bound to be some imperfections and irregularities with this medium, as with other complex mediums like the acrylic pouring technique for example, but they only give extra charm and character to your art, so don’t let that stop you.

What Tools Do You Need?

molding paste for painting

Some basic tools you will need to work with this medium are a palette knife, a paint scraper, or if it comes to it, a butter knife. Just make sure you wash everything as soon as you are done because once the paste is dry, the cleaning is very hard.
The paste has a relatively high viscosity, which means if you run a sharp object through it you can create lines. This can easily be done with some everyday objects such as a toothpick, a comb, a sponge, tape, or something else to add a variety of textures.

What Surface Can You Use It On?

If the paste you have is heavier, then it’s safer to use a more rigid surface such as a wooden painting board, strong cardboard, or a panel. The surface might need prepping to reduce the risk of the art modelling paste cracking after it dries unless that’s the effect you want to achieve.

The lighter pastes can be used on canvas and even paper, especially in thin layers. Make sure the canvas is taut enough by inserting the timber wedges in the corners.

Mixing it with Colour

molding paste for painting

One way to use the modelling paste is to apply it, leave it to dry for approximately 45 minutes, and then paint over it. If you need to polish some surfaces that seem rough, you can use sanding paper.

The second option is to find some of the newer products that allow the acrylic and sometimes oil paint to be mixed with the paste prior to applying it. This way you get a very thick paint that can be used as you want, to create rough landscapes or subtle textures. After the drying period, you will notice that some acrylic paints might get a different hue.

Whatever technique you choose you will certainly have fun experimenting and discovering all the possibilities of the modeling paste.

Ideas and Suggestions

molding paste for painting

The molding paste is a versatile medium that can create gorgeous texture, and incredible background or give depth to your work regardless of the surface you are using. Your creative ideas are the only guide you need, but here are a few suggestions:

• Use stencils: Create wonderful patterns with a stencil of your choice. Apply the paste over it in a thicker layer and then scrape off the excess. You can paint over it when it dries and get a raised image on your canvas.
• Create cracks and layers: When the bottom layer is dry, you can add another on top of it to achieve a relief effect. And if you want cracks, just dry the paste for a few minutes with a powerful hairdryer.
• Use the ‘pulling technique’: Put some paste between two pieces of paper and move it around then take or ‘pull’ the pieces apart gently. The uneven surface will look like hills and valleys that you can additionally tint.
• Embed some objects: Beads, glass, dry flowers, rocks, and just about anything else that you like can be embedded in the paste while it’s still wet. You can create a unique image that will impress.

Final Words

Integrating the molding paste for painting into your work will lead you to new dimensions of creativity. Feel free to experiment and find your own ways to express yourself through this form of art. You just might surprise yourself.