Cloud Computing: The Business Solution of Success


When you start your own company, you have to have a notion of what the risks are, what you can do to prevent them or diminish them, the competition, and the investments you have to make to succeed in the long run.

While the solid IT infrastructure is nowadays an essential component you ought to consider initially, regardless of the size of the company, big or small, not many companies invest in it much let alone turn to the help of the suitable cloud solutions that can do so much more for the efficiency and profits than other investments.

Also known as simply cloud, or cloud computing, it’s a solution that’s in fact older than it seems given it’s been around for at least two decades, and computing as a service even longer (specifically since 1960s).

However, only recently it started gaining popularity because of the increased competitiveness in the business world, and the necessity to stand out by minimal maintenance and support of the in-house business systems.

Basically with cloud solutions you don’t have to purchase your own licenses, servers, hardware or networking and instead lease the infrastructure through a cloud service provider, which means reduced IT, i.e. operating costs from the beginning.

This refers to cutting down on energy consumption as much as it does on system upgrades and hiring expert staff. You can use the cloud for processing, storing, and managing your data. Let’s face it, when you don’t have to worry much about the data, you can worry about other aspects of your company that need more attention.

The fact it’s an option that provides you greater flexibility in terms of setting up an office anywhere, even abroad, means you can connect your business in no time and off-site thanks to the chance of easily accessing necessary data, like features and files of the system, and as a result you get more productivity.

What worries most company owners is the aspect of security, fearing the worst considering remote access to data can make the data itself easy prey for the cyber criminals, yet the cloud servers are much more advanced than in-house systems when it comes to securing the software. Your data is protected and always yours!

There’s also the benefit of agility, so whether your business is expanding or downgrading, the cloud system helps you adapt fast, and saving on time you save on money.

When it comes to categorising cloud computing services, there’s the IaaS (infrastructure as a service), SaaS (software as a service) and PaaS (platform as a service).

Based on your specific requirements, you can choose from public, hybrid, or private cloud, getting the readiness assessment prior to making the decision to see what works best for you. Invest now so you can save later!